Thursday, April 15, 2010

Writing Reflection

Ideas and Content
I demonstrated appropriate ideas and content in my writing through my introduction. I believe that the quote I chose for my first line was a powerful quote because it clearly shows Cassius's envy right away. I gave a brief summary of what the play is about and then continued on to writing about Cassius's envy. I also interpreted my claims well and supported it with strong evidence such as quotes and I thoroughly explained what each quote meant, then how my claim tied in to its meaning. To support my claims well, I needed powerful quotes, which I also thought I did well on. To enhance content and express my writing better, I could make sure to write a strong conclusion without any repetition because repetition was one of my weaknesses in this essay.

My writing demonstrates appropriate organization because I had strong topic sentences that guide and prepare the reader for what the paragraph is about. Also, I wrote my claims in an order that makes sense. I also believe that my introduction was very strong and fully prepared my reader to what my essay is about. To demonstrate better organization, I can write better transition sentences so that they effectively tie the ideas of one paragraph to another.

Personal Growth
In my Alchemist essay, my ideas and content were not as well enhanced as in my Julius Caesar essay. My details were not all interesting and I didn't explain my quotations as well as I did in the Julius Caesar essay. My organization were also very weak in my Alchemist essay because my transitions did not really link to the next paragraph. In my Julius Caesar paragraph, my transitions linked my previous paragraph to the next one.

When writing my essay, I demonstrated critical reasoning by learning from my mistakes to improve my writing. In my Alchemist essay, my ideas and content weren't well supported in terms of claims, while in Julius Caesar I did much better. I also re-read the Julius Caesar essay so I could make any necessary revisions. Also, I really took a lot of time to plan the content in my essay in terms of my thesis, quotes, explanations, claim and support. I really strived to do my best in writing this essay and I believe all my planning really helped me in the end.

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