Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Empathy Is Still Needed

Think Creatively!
Identify and discuss some of the creative elements of your collage.
To create the collage, I had to think creatively in terms of what pictures to put that would evoke empathy in the people who are looking at it, and where to put the pictures so that it may tell a story. While I was considering the position of the pictures, I thought about where to put the part of the Lost Boys' lives when they were in Sudan and when they were in America. I put flames at the top of the collage to show that in Sudan, people were dying from the burning of their villages. Most of Sudan is also at the top of the collage. I put the pictures of America on the bottom of the collage because I wanted it to seem as if they are finally escaping the hellfire of the Sudan war.

Reason Critically!
How did you use the images and text that you selected to highlight your understanding of the Lost Boy’s situation?
My images show an understanding of the conflicts the Lost Boys faced and the hardships they experienced. Words such as "rebuilding hope," "genocide," and "peace" are words I felt were important to understanding the Lost Boy's situation. The boys were looking forward to a new life in America, where new hopes awaited them, and maybe even peace. As much as I tried to put pictures of hope and peace, I thought it was important to highlight these words to show viewers that the Lost Boys were rebuilding hope as they sought peace. Genocide was another word I felt was important to highlight because the genocide started everything. I put both the words and many pictures of the war to show how heartbreaking and brutal the Lost Boys' lives were as they experienced it.

Communicate Effectively!
Explain how your collage creates awareness for the Lost Boys’ plight.
My collage creates awareness for the Lost Boys' plight because I put pictures that show the pain in the boys' eyes and their experiences. There is a clear path from Sudan, to Kenya, and finally to America showed through footsteps. And at each place, there are pictures of the boys' conflicts. The fact that at each place the boys had to face conflicts should create an awareness in the viewers as they take in the heartbreaking realities the Lost Boys had to endure. When viewers see these pictures, it should evoke empathy, respect, and the urge to help the Lost Boys as they understand their story.

Live Ethically!
Explain how you think your collage demonstrated empathy and might evoke an emotional response from your viewers and/or incite them to act.
A big part of evoking empathy in my viewers would be my memoir because I believe it really shows the difference in the Lost Boys' lives when they were in Sudan and and when they were in America. In Sudan, their lives were almost so disastrous that it was hard to believe that it was their reality. But in America, they were hoping for safety and peace as they started new. Also, I chose the pictures carefully so that they would evoke empathy in my viewers. Therefore, I believe that when my viewers look at each of the pictures, especially pictures of the starving kids with their ribs showing, they will feel empathetic and respect the Lost Boy with the new knowledge of their heartbreaking story.

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